
Shrutiksha Nayak Nath

Shrutiksha Nayak Nath

Shrutiksha Nayak Nath

Chief Operating Officer

Creative and Motivated woman with experience of business and operations in the IT and Cybersecurity industry.


Creative and Motivated woman with experience of business and operations in the IT and Cybersecurity industry. she has a strong diversified portfolio of Business from Real Estate to E-commerce and Cybersecurity to Pageant training. She is not only inspiring woman with my success story of being Femina Miss India but also working to establish the ecosystem for woman entrepreneurs and building the Next-gen Cybersecurity company of India with my beloved husband Mr. Deepak Kumar Nath. Making woman safe and secure with Cyber hygiene is my motto. I am also working for woman and their choices not only in info-sec but also in personal hygiene and lifestyle.

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